Objective A: Is the control scheme understood by the player?
Objective B: Do players use and understand the « catch props » feature naturally?
Do players understand there is a limit of 6 props?
Do players understand the range to catch props?
Do players understand how to take props?
Do players take some props when doesn’t have any?
Objective C: Do players use and understand the « invoke golem » feature
Do players understand range of invocation?
Do players understand the strategic use of the golem?
Do players uses more the invoke feature than the launch feature?
and research
Objective D: Do players use and understand the « throw » feature naturally?
Do players launch props to defend himself from close enemy?
Do players uses the feature?
Aim: Do players not feel the aim of the throw feature frustrating and/or
Objective E: Do players understand the enemy AI behavior correctly?
Do players understand the AI behavior correctly? (Behavior: The AI always
attack the forge except if they are close to a golem or the player)
Do players understand they are supposed to protect the forge?
Objective A: Control scheme
Is the control scheme understood by the player?
Itw: « Can you explain me how the controls work ? »
Objective B: Catch props
Do players understand there is a limit of 6 props?
Obs: Do players keep trying to take object once they reach the limit of props?
Data: Number of times a player try to get props while is full
Itw: « How many props can you take? » « What signals you cannot take more props? »
Do players understand the range to catch props?
Obs: Do players try to get props way out of range?
Itw: « Is there a range to catch props? » « What signals you the range to catch props? »
Do players understand how to take props?
Obs: Do players catch more than one prop at the time?
Itw: « How do you take props? »
Do players take some props when doesn’t have any?
Obs: Do players take some props when doesn’t have any?
Itw: « When did choose to get some new props? Why? »
Objective C: Invoke golem
Do players understand range of invocation?
Obs: Do playerstry to invoke golem outside of the range of invocation?
Itw: « Is there a limit to the range of invocation? » « If yes, what signify this limit? »
Do players understand the strategic use of the golem?
Obs: Do players invoke golem in diverse places to cover all entrance?
Datas: Do players always have a minimum of 3 golem alive on the map
Itw: When and why did you choose to you golems?
Do players use more the invoke feature than the launch feature?
Datas: Time spent to invoke golem / Time spent to throw prop
Itw: « What was your strategy to choose when you create golem or throw props? »
Objective D: Throw props
Do players launch props to defend himself from close enemy?
Obs: What does the player throw props for?
Data: « What was you strategy when you were throwing props? »
Do players use the feature?
Obs: Do players use this feature?
Data: Time spent throwing props/ minuts
Aim: Do players not feel the aim of the throw feature frustrating and/or unfair?
Obs: Do players has sign of frustration after missing a shot?
Itw: « What do you think about the shooting propsand the aim system? » « Did the precision of
the throw frustrate you? »
Objective E: Enemy AI Behavior
Do players understand the AI behavior correctly?
(AI Behavior: The AI always attack the forge except if they are close to a golem or the
Itw: Can you explain me what is the enemy behavior? Who does it focus?
Do players understand they are supposed to protect the forge?
Itw: What are you supposed to protect?
Method and protocol
6 players - 30 minutes individual sessions
Type of users:
FPS players,18-30yo
6 players (“Eva” Disrupter and/or “Jonathan” Action normie)
Playsession schedule
3 minutes introduction
3 minutes Control playtest
20 minutes of free playtime
14 minutes of interview
Record configuration
Eye tracking
Date and
Observation grid
Player 01
Catch props
Invoke golem
Interview grid (in French)
Pas du tout
Combien de props peut tu prendre à la fois ?
Couleur de la bordure
Qu'est-ce qui signale que tu ne peux plus prendre de props ?
Il y a t'il une distance pour attraper des props?
Absence de signes
Qu'est-ce qui signale cette distance ?
Comment prend tu des props ?
Quand j'en ai plus
Quand est-ce que tu choisis de prendre des props ? Pourquoi ?
Il y a t'il une distance pour invoquer les golems ?
Disparition du signes
Qu'est-ce qui signale cette distance ?
Quand et pourquoi choisit tu d'invoquer des golems ?
Quelle est ta stratégie pour savoir quand créer des golems et
quand jeter des props ?
Que penses tu du système de visé et du lancement de props ?
Est-ce que le lancement est frustrant ?
Peut tu m'expliquer le comportement des IA ennemies ?
Quel est le but du jeu ?
Comment est-ce tu survis ?
Peut tu me décrire la forge ?
Quelle barre de vie représente quoi ?
Autre ?
Aime ?
Feedback box
The idea behind the feedback box if to create a better game
environment where the players can still give feedback to the GUR
without interruption of the session and the flow of the game.
Feedback was discussed afterward in the interview.
When the player press a button (green for « I like », yellow for « I
don’t understand », red for « I don’t like ») it generate a line in the
log file and the color show live on the video.
The playsession was restream live with discord to the production team (the
playtesters were informed about it). The idea was that the production team
could see players play the game in good conditions (and not with a jury
member asking questions in a noisy environment).
Method and protocol
6 players - 30 minutes individual sessions
Type of users:
FPS players,18-30yo
6 players (“Eva” Disrupter and/or “Jonathan” Action normie)
1 player had a build with the wrong number of enemies and could not test the fight and gameplay loop in proper
conditions. The player's results will be kept for basic analysis but ignored for game strategic analysis.
Playsession schedule
3 minutes introduction
3 minutes Control playtest
20 minutes of free playtime
14 minutes of interview
Objective A: All players understood the
control scheme
Objective B: All players used and understood
the « catch props » feature naturally
Objective C: All players used and understood
the « invoke props » feature naturally
Objective D: All players understood the «
throw » feature naturally but some players did
not use the « throw » feature
Objective E: Most players understood the AI
behavior naturally
Objective A: All players understood the control scheme
All 6 players fully understood, used and remembered the control scheme
after being told orally 1 time. (The "destroy a golem" key was not part of the
Informative data: How do users take props? Click on each props individually,
Hold to catch multiple props or Both?
Both options are used by the range of users
Player 1
Player 2
Player 3
Player 4
Player 5
Player 6
Click (multiple
Take props
Objective B: All players use and understood the « catch
props » feature naturally
All 6 players understood the limit of props and the maximum number of props
they could grab(6).
All 6 players understood the limit of props signifiers.
All 6 players understood the range to catch props and its signifiers.
All 6 players always try to grab props. “I am looking to have as many props as
I can”
Issue: The range to catch props is a bit short and did not feel natural to most
players, who had troubles grabbing props due to the range. (see video)
Cause: All game features (environment, speed, range of invocation…)
have big metrics except this one
Impact: The range can cause some signs of frustrations.
Issue: 2 players had troubles grabbing objects due to the precision of the
catch feature
Cause: Some props are really small (book for example), high sensitivity mouse,
and players with desire to catch props really fast (without being precise).
Impact: The precision can cause some signs of frustrations. A challenge is
created in a game feature which is not supposed to be challenging.
Objective C: All players use and understood the « invoke
props » feature naturally
All 6 players understood the existence of a range to invoke golems and the
Issue: But some players felt frustrated and did not understood the purpose of
the range (video)
Cause: The range of invocation is so big, that players only notice the range
when they try to be creative
Impact: Reduce the global strategic depth and innovation (not good for Eva
- The disruptor)
All 5 players (in correct game conditions) understood the strategic aspect of
the golem creation and use them to defend the forge while the look for
more props.
All 5 players (in correct game conditions) used the invoke feature more than
the throw feature.
Issue: Players did not understand their golems could die and that the props
were redistributed when they did. Except 1 player who saw it in front of them.
Cause: Information is never given to the player. No life signifiers on the
Impact: Players do not look for props near the Forge after they took them a
first time. Some players experience frustration seeing their golems disappear
without knowing why.
Objective D: All players understood the « throw » feature
naturally but some players did not use the « throw »
Issue: The throw feature is not impactful enough:
2 players, after testing the throw feature, decided to stop using it for the
rest of the play sessions
Others felt frustrated while shooting at enemies and not killing them
3 players expressed not doing enough damage with the throw
Cause: Gameplay dissonance: high impact visual, but low impact gameplay.
The throw push enemy (which make them harder to hit) and use crucial
Impact: Player frustration, players choosing to shoot all their props at once
(and not one at a time) to be impactful with the throw feature.
Issue: 1 player chose to use the throw and not the invoke feature when they
encountered too many enemies.
1 player chose to use the throw to protect the golem they had invoked.
Cause: Hard to understand the impact or the life total of the golems, strong
game feel with the throw feature
Impact: Losing strategy without the player realizing it, player thinking it’s the
intended strategy and they were not “good enough”
The throw feature was rightfully used by players outside of the forge.
No players felt frustrated by the accuracy required by the throw feature
Objective E: Most players understood the AI behavior
5 players (of the 5 in the right settings) understood that the AI was attacking
the forge, but:
1 out of 5 player did not understand that the enemy would attack them if
they were in range.
1 player thought that they could not change the enemies focus anymore
when in close range of the Forge (and thus couldn't protect it)
3 out of 5 players did not understand the enemy would attack the golems.
Color change attack animation was not understood by any players
Other findings
Personal lifebar and forge lifebar placement and value were correctly
Visibility issue:
Decisions taken
Delete the range to the « invoke » feature: the range was not seen as
necessery by the team.
Increase the range of the « catch » feature: the feature is still to watch out
on the next playtests to iterate and find a value which feel natural
Throw now one-shot enemy but there is more enemies (to keep the golem
more relevant)
No action taken on the catch precision Eye to keep on that feature in
the next playtests